Railway Derails & Rerailers

Portable Derails & Accessories

With four models to choose from, Aldon Company, Inc.’s on-site engineers can assist you in your purchase of the correct model for your application. We know that quality products ensure safe workers and keep your railyard running smoothly. With our concern for your safety, Aldon’s in-stock items are readily available to ship.


Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Portable Derails and Why Are They Used?

The use of derail devices is a deliberate way to stop and manage the movement of railcars and locomotives. Derails are essential in preventing a car from colliding with another, unauthorized coupling of a locomotive to a stationary car, and a car rolling out onto the mainline. According to OSHA, FRA, and DOT regulations, derail protection is mandatory for all operational rail sidings.

What Is the SaberTooth® Portable Derail?

Aldon Company, Inc.’s patented SaberTooth® Portable Derails provide temporary derailing protection for exposed rails on wooden and pre-stressed concrete ties. The portable derails are available for one-way and two-way derailing for industrial sidings, approaches to buildings, and main line applications. Our patented design reflects a formed steel plate housing and tool free installation, so no wrenches are needed! Our portable derails are easy to manage and are available for freight cars and locomotives.