Two Way Retractable Derail

Item #: 4114-11

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Sizing Form


More convenient than a hinged derail.

  • Derail shoe slides in and out of the housing through the leverage of a waist-high operating lever.
  • No need to bend or stoop to activate or deactivate the derail. Work from a comfortable standing position alongside the track.
  • The customer furnishes two 14-foot wooden crossties to support derail and stand.
  • Broad deflection angle derails six-axle locomotives, smaller locomotives, and freight cars.
  • Details in both directions. Derail is supplied with a high-rise operating stand, connecting rod, and blue derail sign.

**Operating stands & connecting rods are sold painted oxide primer red. Derails are sold painted yellow.**

(Operating stands & connecting rods can be painted yellow for an additional cost. Contact Aldon Company for pricing.)


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