NOTE: Hinged derail is designed for use on tracks with wooden ties. Use screw spikes (supplied with Aldon Hinged Derails) for proper anchoring of derails to wooden ties. If you have steel ties see #4014-13, Base Plate Accessory. Do not install derails on resin or concrete ties.
Weight 156 lbs. (derail, sign, and holder)
Derail Sizing Form
Your Hinged Derail is made to order to fit your rail. We cannot process your order without the information you provide on the derail sizing form. It is ideal, but not essential, to submit your form with your order with the “upload completed sizing form” by the blue “add-to-cart” button above.
The form is a “fillable” form (you may need to open the form in Adobe Acrobat Reader rather than in your browser for the fillable boxes to be active). Alternatively, print the form, fill it out, and then fax (847 623-6139), scan and email (e-rail@aldonco.com), or mail it (3410 Sunset Ave, Waukegan, IL 60087.)