Ergonomic "C" Double Chock w/Flag - Exposed Rail

Manufactured by Aldon®

Item #: 4011-16

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Aldon® is the originator of the replaceable traction spur railroad wheel chock. Since 1955 we have offered high-quality railcar wheel chocks. Don’t settle for a knockoff chock.

  • Same proven design as our Standard Cast Steel Chock, but with a longer handle (46 in) for easier and safer positioning.
  • Worker can stay clear of railcar when installing or removing these wheel chocks.
  • All steel construction railcar wheel chocks with replaceable rail biting spur for securing freight cars and locomotives on exposed tracks.
  • The traction spur can be rotated to a new edge or replaced when dulled for increased product life.
  • Works on all train rails from 75 lb./yd. to 141 lb./yd. and wheel diameters 28" - 44".

Aldon replacement spurs

Order replacement spurs.


Weight: 26 lbs.


Aldon’s steel railcar chocks were successfully tested at the Association of American Railroad’s testing facility at Pueblo, Colorado to withstand more than 25,000lbs of drawbar pull. That’s roughly equivalent to 32% of a typical SD-40 freight locomotive’s drawbar pull.