Please Note: Our gauge rods are not painted yellow. The product in the photos was colorized for presentation and clarity.
The image below shows how the product looks
847.623.8800 English | Español
Manufactured by Aldon®
Retail pricing:
$131.83 – $203.27
An over-wide track gauge is the leading cause of derailments in industrial rail yards but our single & double ended gauge rods provide a solution.
Locomotive and freight car wheels can exert as much as 4000 lbs. of side pressure against the rails. If the ties are spongy, they can lose their spike-holding strength and allow the rails to be pushed over from the wheel-side force. A between-the-rails derailment requires crane-lifting to put the car or engine back on the rails and extensive track repair.
Our Gauge Control Rods are fabricated for standard gauge 56.5 in track and rail sizes 60-140 lbs./yd. Both can be furnished in insulated form and for the narrow gauge at extra cost.
Straight Track
Double-End Gauge Rods offer maximum gauge-holding security. A pair of iron jaws at each end of the double-ended gauge rod grip the rail base to hold the rails to gauge and keep the rails upright against wheel pressure.
Curved Track
Single-End Gauge Rods hold the gauge by utilizing the outward pressure of wheels against the outer curved rail.
Please Note: Our gauge rods are not painted yellow. The product in the photos was colorized for presentation and clarity.
The image below shows how the product looks