Portable Two-Way Locomotive Derail

Manufactured by Aldon®

Item #: 4014-08-S

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SaberTooth® Portable Two-Way Derailer

  • Use with 4-axle & 6-axle locomotives and freight cars.
  • Fits rails 100-142 lbs.
  • Use on Wood or Concrete Tie Tracks.
  • Do NOT use where speeds exceed 10 m.p.h.


Our SaberTooth® Portable Two-Way Locomotive Derail, was put to the test at the Transportation Technology Center, in Pueblo, Colorado. The test proved that our SaberTooth® Portable Two-Way Locomotive Derail, can derail a 6-axle, 380,050 lbs. locomotive at 10 m.p.h.


Left-hand / Right-hand derailing in both directions from either rail. 

SaberTooth<sup class=® Portable 2-Way Locomotive Derail (Graphic)" width="1241" height="387" data-image="2r05oo9tpapm" />




Weight: 67 lbs.


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